
For a couple of years now, established, and up-and-coming artists across several mediums have gotten their feet wet in the world of crypto and NFTs. While these are relatively new technologies, the concepts are already familiar to most people and there is plenty of evidence to suggest that businesses and consumers are ready for a new path forward.

As the world becomes more and more digital and fast-paced, the way we own things is changing. Large companies have been controlling too much of the pie for way too long.

Fine arts, digital art, and photography have been bought and sold as NFTs with varying degrees of success over the last few years. Musicians are now thinking about how they can restructure their relationship with fans and the way they make money from their creations.

Cryptogramophone exists to educate the public about how it all works and more importantly how they can get involved in the future of music consumption.

Real-time updates

Every day a new artist decides to take a chance on NFT music and escape from the traditional methods of music creation and production.

We don’t want you to miss any of it. If there is an exciting development in the music NFT would be the first to know about it. Get notified with a text or email so you can be ready to take advantage of the moment.

Industry insight

Cryptogramophone has insider access throughout the music industry in many circles. From independent artists and labels to major label companies and household musicians and producers.

We have our finger on the pulse of what’s in and what’s out in the world of music. The scene is changing fast, and we have the connections and industry knowledge to give you accurate and helpful information about music NFTs and crypto.

Networking events

As the world of crypto, blockchain, and NFTs expands, these forms of technology will become more recognizable and commonly used. But before you dive headfirst into a world you know little about; it would be good if you met some of the people spearheading the effort to bring these technologies mainstream.

At cryptogramophone, we organize monthly meetups so our readers can have the opportunity to rub shoulders with the experts and build meaningful connections.Hash out your concerns about learning new ways of interacting with the digital world and build excitement for a more connected future.

Who will enjoy our website

Anyone who is crypto, blockchain, or NFT curious. Or if you’re curious about the future general. The digital landscape could look very different in a few years and anyone who doesn’t want to get left behind will enjoy keeping up to date with us.


Music artists have been following the same formula for decades. Unfortunately, those methods often lead to unhappy artists who are trapped in a situation where they can’t make the money they deserve to make or connect with their fans the way they want to.

Cryptogramophone helps new artists learn how to build a digital presence and interact with fans on a more personal level. All while making more money than they would traditionally.


The way we listen to music has changed drastically over the years. We don’t buy CDs or download music to MP3 anymore. Our attention spans have also decreased.

Crypto gramophone is aiming to help the fan rediscover their love for the music and the artist. While streaming services offer easy listening for a monthly cost, directly supporting an artist by investing in them with music NFTs is the next step in fan-to-artist interaction.

Agents and producers

As the digital world evolves, that doesn’t mean people who’ve worked in the music industry have to become obsolete.

Learning about the next wave of content consumption will help talent agents negotiate better deals for artists and maximize their clients’ earning potential. Producers also have added incentive to create truly unique music they can profit from without the help of a major artist or label.

Tech nerds

People who love tech and want to be ahead of the curve when it comes to learning new technologies will benefit from our website. Simple breakdowns of how cryptocurrencies work and how to participate in their marketplaces will give you a head start on making money for the future.

Learn how blockchain transactions can protect digital purchases. Be the first to know how you can forge a totally new relationship with artists and musicians by purchasing NFTs.

Welcome again

Cryptogramophone.com is the leading source of information about crypto, blockchain, and NFTs in the music industry. The future is coming faster than you think and we believe education is the only way to ensure new technologies are understood and used effectively from the start.